Hey friends! I hope your Christmas was wonderful and your 2016 is off to a great start…mine sure is! I’m so thankful for another year and I am definitely excited about all that this New Year has to offer! For all of us, each New Year brings new personal and professional goals, new priorities, new spiritual goals, and new desires of the heart.
On another note, I cannot believe that I almost have a 1 year old son! Major party prep with a super cute party theme is certainly underway for our little busybody and I do realize it’s been a while since I posted on my blog. Today, I just wanted to stop by and let you know that I will be taking just a short break from posting on my blog because I have a few things coming up that need my extra time and attention. I plan to return with fresh and fun content in about two weeks time! Launching Our Home His Heart just a few short months ago has been so much fun for me! I want to THANK all of you for following and supporting me on this blogging journey. I LOVE reading your comments and THANK YOU for sharing with others and THANKS to all of you for being here! Tons of prep work went into starting this blog and I am constantly looking for ways to better my blog for my readers. If there is something specific that you’d like to see more of, please let me know! I will be back on January 18th…. talk soon! 🙂