Loving God means to obey His Word, and His Word is not hard to obey.” ( 1 John 5:3 NLV)
The relationship we have with God is based on love. Because we love God, we obey Him. God’s rules are designed for our protection as an extension of His never-ending love for us. Walking in obedience requires complete trust on our part. An attitude of obedience to God signifies that we allow Him to have total control, as we rely on Him to be our guide.
Devotion: Enjoying The Wait
For in him we live and move and exist.” (Acts 17:28)
God wants us to have dreams, hopes, aspirations, and desires in life. But, there are times when our plans, wants, and desires do not line up with God’s will for our lives. There are also times when God is not saying “no” to what we are asking for, but instead is just saying, “not now.” We don’t have to be anxious or question why because God’s timing is always right.
We are required to remain obedient no matter what. Knowing that everything God requires of us benefits us, that He knows best, and everything God has for us is good. The God of unlimited resources, who knows all and sees all, certainly has good plans for our lives!
As believers, our goal is to stay focused the Lord, even while we are waiting. Keeping the lines of communication open through prayer, the proper attitude, loving others, enjoying the life we have, as well as an awareness of God’s goodness are some ways we can reverence the Lord as we wait on Him.
When we are happy with where we are and with what we’ve got, our faith is made stronger. The daily practice of being a blessing to someone else is good for the soul. Ackowledging what we do have makes us grateful.
Additional Verses To Further Study Obedience
“For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” ( Matthew 11:30)
“ believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living! Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!” ( Psalm 27 13-14)
Prayer Starter:
“I trust your leadership, God. Continue to develop patience and wisdom in me as I am obedient to Your Will for my life.”
Wishing you all a great week!