Happy Friday, friends! I have Cait from Caitscozycorner.com guest-posting today! She has some useful blogging tips to share. Enjoy!
I can’t be the only one that keeps hearing the phrase over and over..” who is your target audience?” Are you a blogger? Have you thought about this question? What do I mean about finding your target audience you ask? It’s who reads your blog and how you can get it to grow!
A lot of bloggers think that the key to growing their blog is networking. Don’t get me wrong, I’m in that camp also! But, if you’re a new blogger or if you’re an introvert it might be hard to connect with other bloggers in your industry. Heck, you might not even know how to!
But, a much easier way to grow your blog is to focus on your target audience. These are the people that actually come to your blog, read your posts, comment on them and share your post with their friends.
So why is a target audience important? They are loyal followers. When your blog speaks to your readers something magical happens. You start generating comments on your blog and on Facebook. Other bloggers in your industry reach out to you and want to network with you. Your readers start to link to your site on their posts wanting to tell their audience about you. It all connects!
They also help build your tribe. I’m sure you’ve also been hearing about building your tribe. When I first started blogging, I had no clue what all this “tribe” talk was about. I thought it was coming from one blogger who just loved that term and used it all the time. It wasn’t until years later that it dawned on me that this blogger and others were talking about their target audience. Collectively, they are your tribe and they will help you grow your blog. Take my word for it friends!
So how can you target your audience you ask? Image: RankCrew
- Read Your Comments – Make sure to read all your comments! Your comments share what your followers are loving and not enjoying. They help shape your blog and help you find what they want to read! Remember thinking of those common SEO keywords to help you! Those keywords are what are drawing your followers to your blog to read so make sure they are detailed! Dan Anton of RankCrew offers a variety of packages to help you with your blog and bringing it to the top of those Google searches! Dan knows how to obtain top rankings using Google and thousands of keyword searches. Did you know that you can even create an account with RankCrew and it’s free?! The staff is also extremely helpful in answering all your questions or concerns about making sure your website is able to reach its full potential and grab your target audience.
- Check Out Groups- There are so many groups out there for targeting your audience. Facebook offers a variety of various groups for you to join that are either supporting your niche or your location! Not only check out Facebook but Pinterest, Google +, Instagram or Twitter! All these groups can help grow your audience and target them specifically.
- Find People Like Yourself- Have you come across a group that doesn’t really fit with your blog? How about if you find someone who seems to be exactly like you! Wouldn’t you want to connect with them, comment on their blog and share it with your followers? Chances are they are thinking the same thing and would do the same for you and your blog! Personally, I love finding bloggers who are business Mom’s like myself, who love traveling, coffee and connecting! Hey, if that sounds like you let’s connect!
- Finding your tribe of loyal readers isn’t too hard once you take a good hard look at yourself. Usually our passions is what drives our creativity. It’s also important to remember that your content should always provide a solution to your audience. As you build your following, it’ll take time. Your knowledge and expertise on a subject will allow your target audience to find it meaningful and worth their while to keep coming back.
So, if you’re passionate about homegrown food and natural products, I bet you’re blogging about that and I bet your target audience also feels the same way! So what are you waiting for friends? Start thinking about your target audience today, what will bring them in and most of all, what will bring them to keep checking out your blog over and over again!
How are you targeting your audience?