Peace can be described as freedom from disturbance; quiet and tranquility.
There are several promises of God outlined for us in the Bible. John 14:27 focuses on peace given to us by God. The more we develop our own personal relationship with the Lord, the more evident these promises will appear to us through prayer, as well as through our daily reading of the Word. One promise is that the Lord has made is that He gives us His perfect peace. When something is perfect, it lacks absolutely nothing; it is free from any faults or defects and it contains all necessary components and characteristics to be properly fitting. God’s peace is so perfect that it actually surpasses all human understanding! The Bible tells us:
the peace of God that exceeds all understanding will keep your hearts and minds safe in Christ Jesus. (Philipians 4:7)
We have all experienced the unknowns and the ups and downs of life, and of course we all have many different roles that we are happily committed to in our everyday lives. With this being said, there are actually some situations and circumstances can disturb this wonderful gift of peace. Some of these roles, circumstances, situations, and even some relationships in our lives can take away our peace if we are not careful NOT to let them. In addition, we all have to guard each of our own thought lives so that our peace can be preserved. In order to uncover the things in our own lives that seem to steal our peace, we must take an honest look at relationships and situations that we have allowed in our own lives. If there is something or someone who seems to knowingly or even unknowingly cause you stress or discomfort in any way, that is a clear indicator that your peace is being disturbed! If peace is disturbed in the life of a Believer, many things can go awry. We are called to be a light to others but it can be extremely difficult to be a light if we are stressed and are not living in God’s peace ourselves. Living in a state of disturbance can even cause us to overlook and bypass opportunities to be a light to someone in need. It is not God’s will for us to live consumed with our own troubles or to live in a non-peaceful state of mind. We as Believers, need a peaceful life in order to function optimally!
Living in Gods perfect peace starts with a decision made by us. We must decide that we will live in the Godly peace that is promised to us! Once this decision is made, all of the proper steps and things we must do to now live peacefully will come from the Lord once we ask Him for guidance and recognition of these things that steal our peace. It’s important to note that this is peace that ONLY the Lord can provide so we must fully trust the Lord in order to completely take hold of this special peace. It is so awesome that peace is available to every one of us by Faith, by having a trusting relationship with God, and by having confidence in Him. We should receive the gift of peace from the Lord, and then wrap ourselves in it! Once this is done, we live more comfortably and also live more victoriously in our day-to-day lives, just as the Lord desires us to.
Additional Verses for Further Study:
“I’ve said these things to you so that you will have peace in me. In the world you have distress. But be encouraged! I have conquered the world.” (John 16:33 CEB)
“Those with sound thoughts you will keep in peace, in peace because they trust in you. “(Isaiah 26:3 CEB)
Prayer Starter:
Lord, You are great. You hear me when I pray and Your love for me is endless. I am thankful for the gift of perfect peace. Please help me to refocus and get back to a constant state of peacefulness so that Your will can be done in my life.