Have you ever felt confused as to what direction to take on a decision that needs to be made in your life? I sure have. When uncertainty sets in, some people tend to worry while others tend to do nothing out of fear of possibly making the wrong choice. Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, made it so that we don’t have to live being worried, confused, or afraid to make choices in life! It is important to know that confusion and fear are not from God. These two emotions are tactics used by the enemy to get us off course by making us distracted from God’s plan for us. God’s nature is to be loving and to make things crystal clear for us so that we take hold of the peace that is available to us and then also live in this peace that only He provides. The plans that He has for all of us are prosperous, hopeful, and positive! We just have to stay close to Him so that we can hear when he gives us guidance in our lives. Whenever we worry and fear, we are actually showing a lack of faith, which hurts God.
7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
(2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV)
Jeremiah 29:11 is one of my favorite verses because when I have times of uncertainty I can set my mind on this verse and it reminds me to stand firm on the promises of God and that He has great plans for my life. It also helps me to view my issues in a different light-from God’s perspective according to what His Word says. The more we spend time with God, the more we begin to know Him, His promises, and His perspective. The Word reminds us:
33 For God is not a God of confusion but of peace. (1 Corinthians 14:33 ESV)
When we are in a state of confusion, we should always take the issue to God in our prayer time. Remember that your prayer time with God is well, YOUR prayer time! Cater it to reflect your personal rapport with Him. I was taught early on as a new Christian that prayer is simply us talking to God in our own way. It doesn’t require fancy words and perfectly written out, dramatic, and rehearsed speeches! All we have to do is talk- just as if we were talking with a friend, because we are talking to a Father and a friend! It is alright to be specific in what we ask for. In my opinion, there’s nothing wrong with asking Him to show us the right choice and to make it obvious that it is Him speaking to us. If you pray this, believe me, You will know if it is Him for sure when the answer arises! Be mindful to ask The Lord to allow you to think His thoughts and see things the way that He does. God’s Word promises that when we seek Him, we find Him! We must then be sure we are being sensitive to the voice of God as he begins to reveal answers to us sometimes in seemingly unconventional ways. The answers we seek may come in several unexpected ways such as through unexpected interactions, or even through people you don’t expect them to! Be on the lookout, friends! You’ll experience feelings of “something told me to …. (fill in the blank.)” That “something” is the Spirit of God nudging you! God is so faithful to us and that in itself is so comforting to me.
It is vital to remember that through it all, God is in control of each of our lives. He has a plan for us all and that plan is more than you can even imagine! Taking care not to worry, keeping our line of prayer open with God, trusting Him at all times, and having faith in Him that he will keep His promises to us, are the best defenses against confusion in our lives.
Below you will find a Bible verse for further study. You will also find perfectly fitting video of HGTV’s Joanna Gaines from one of my favorite television shows, Fixer Upper. Joanna is a Christian and she discusses how even with some doubts, she chose to trust in Him and let Him lead her life. God does amazing things with our lives when we put our trust in Him! We have to make the decision to stand on His promises for a prosperous life.
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7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:does worry add another day to your life? (Matthew 7:7 KJV)
Prayer starter: Father, I give you all the glory and I love you. Thank you for sending your only Son to die for my sins, so that I may have a victorious life. Draw me closer to you and show me the great plans you have for my life. Help me to stay on the course you have for me so that I can accomplish what Your will is for my life. Forgive me if I have been worried, distracted, fearful, sidetracked, or even if I have tried to be in control of my own life unknowingly. Thank you for helping me to recognize my faults and for forgiving me once I confess them to you. You renew my mind and then set me back on the right course. I will serve you with all my heart, mind, and soul by only allowing what Your Word says to guide me through life.