*Are you new to my Fruit of the Spirit Devotion Series? Check out post 1, post 2, and post 3 before reading this one, in order to get the best possible experience with the content.
You will keep in perfect peace
all who trust in you,
all whose thoughts are fixed on you! (Isaiah 26:3)
Spiritual fruit grows in us when we become filled with the Holy Spirit. Each spiritual fruit is meant to work in sync with the others in order to bring the greatest benefit to our lives.
Reflecting The Fruit of the Spirit: Peace
The third spiritual fruit is peace. For most of us, the goal is to pursue peace with God, peace with our selves, and peace with others. With so many bad things going on in the world today, we can still have peace. Regardless of external factors, we can still reflect the same characteristics as our Father.
The key to having peace is to surrender! True peace is surrendering to God’s full control. He’s in control of absolutely everything. The magnitude of confidence we have in Him fills us with peace, so there is no room for worry and doubt.
While on earth, Jesus restored peace everywhere that He went. He selflessly gave to and helped others. Our peace is continually restored through serving others, through fellowship, and in the development of a personal relationship with the Lord.
Application: Cultivating Peace
Real peace is learning to let go of our own plans and in being open to go with God’s flow; His plan. He knows what’s best for us because he sees all, hears all, and knows all – from beginning to the end.
Weekly Reflection: Peace is Already Given
As a Believer, I have already been given peace with God. Having peace with God allows me to maintain peace with myself, which frees me to have peace with others.
“There is peace with God through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all.” (Acts 10:36)
Peace with God opens the door for us to have confidence and boldness in our daily walk with God.
Additional Verses to Further Study The Fruit of the Spirit: Peace
“When a man’s ways please the LORD, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.”(Proverbs 16:7)
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)
Prayer Starter:
“Lord, You are the Prince of Peace. I desire a life of peace. I want to love others in a way that glorifies You. Help me to cultivate peace in relationships.”
Next week, let’s explore of the Fruit of the Spirit: Patience. Don’t forget to subscribe if you found this helpful and please share this with a friend! 🙂 Thanks for reading!
Wishing you all a great week!