Everything God asks us to do is for our gain. The verse above is one that is near and dear to my heart. I often hear the Lord softly whisper these words to me. It is true that some of us have personality types that tend to over-think and sometimes even that try to have complete control situations in life. [Read more…]
Prayer Nourishes Our Relationship With God
We are totally dependant on God for life itself and prayer is how we show God that we need Him for absolutely everything. As believers, our first instinct in dealing with all things in our lives should be to pray. Sometimes we are not quite sure exactly how to pray. Prayer is simply us talking to God in each of our own way about things that concern us ~ big and small. There is no need to try to impress anyone with fancy prayers and long and drawn out words- talk as you were talking to a friend because you are talking to a Father and a friend: God! I find that to be so awesome!
Every believer has the ability to pray and to pray effectively. God loves, recognizes, and appreciates each of us with our own unique voice and characteristics that we possess. Just as a parent loves and adores his or her child, God feels the same for all of us. Prayer is powerful! When we pray, things change and we should expect change to happen! Prayer is meant for us to nourish and further develop our personal relationship with the Lord. It’s a time for each of us to get to know God better and what his agenda is. We must have faith and we must have confidence in God that He hears us when we pray and that He can do all things. The Bible reminds us that:
Jesus looked at them carefully and said, “It’s impossible for human beings. But all things are possible for God.” (Matthew 19:26 CEB)
Make Me Live By Your Way ~ Psalms 119:37
Many things that actually have little to no value call for our attention daily. These things can eventually end up distracting us from having the fruitful life that God wants us to have. Psalms 119:37 is another one of my all time favorite Bible verses because it serves as a great reminder of what we should be focusing on the most. We should center our hearts and minds away from things that add no value to our lives or to the lives of others. The Psalmist is praying and asking the Lord for help to keep his mind focused on the things that really truly matter in everyday life, so that he can live in a way that is pleasing to God. The closer we are to God, the more fulfilling our lives will be. We must keep our line of prayer open and talk to God constantly to remain close to Him. It is so amazing that God is truly concerned about every single detail of each of our lives! It’s important to Him that we clean up our thought life and redirect our thinking in order to seek His Kingdom first in all we do. We all have hobbies, interests, and things in our lives that we like to do and to be a part of. These things are surely a part of who we are, but we must be sure that we are living a balanced life overall. Essentially, being unbalanced means that we are doing too much of something and not enough of another thing. We have to be careful not to let wrong things have too much weight and value to us, making us unbalanced. This encompasses an array of wrong thoughts and things, including having too much of a focus on material things. It is important to understand that it is perfectly fine to have a healthy affection for certain things, but we must remain balanced.
Desire first and foremost God’s kingdom and God’s righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33 CEB)
Jesus wants us to have a great life and He wants us to actually enjoy our daily lives to the fullest! [Read more…]
Perfect Peace ~ John 14:27
Peace can be described as freedom from disturbance; quiet and tranquility.
There are several promises of God outlined for us in the Bible. John 14:27 focuses on peace given to us by God. The more we develop our own personal relationship with the Lord, the more evident these promises will appear to us through prayer, as well as through our daily reading of the Word. One promise is that the Lord has made is that He gives us His perfect peace. When something is perfect, [Read more…]
Being Thankful In All Things
In order to be able to hear God’s voice clearly, we have to un-clutter our minds and refocus our minds on the goodness of the Lord. Reading God’s written Word is the best way to do this, in addition to constant prayer. We also must be sure to release all of our cares and worries to Him during our prayer times, believing that by faith, He hears us and that He is working on these things in our lives on our behalf.
7 Throw all your anxiety onto him, because he cares about you. (1 peter 5:7 CEB)
It is really easy for us to be thankful for obvious things in our lives that are good: [Read more…]