Today is all about making easy homemade baby food! I have had the best time making baby food for Jacob! He thinks the food is pretty tasty and I enjoy the whole process of making it for him, coming up with my own recipes for him, following fun recipes I find, and also I like knowing what exactly goes into his food and into his system.Introducing one new food at a time every 3-4 days and keeping a notebook of what has and what has not been introduced is very helpful in the beginning. Once you have individual foods that have been safely introduced, it’s great to begin mixing the approved individual foods together and having some fun with variety of foods and textures. The notebook also includes information on whether or not he liked or did not like certain foods on their own, and also what happened with different combinations given. I find the notes and photos taken of him trying each food for the first time to be a good little keepsake as well.
It’s not only cost effective to make your own baby food, but it actually takes very little time and is pretty simple [Read more…]